On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 20:09, Robert Simmons wrote:
> Yes, to reduce the code base complexity so that resources can be focused on
> a smaller code base.
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 3:06 PM Aaron C. de Bruyn
> wrote:
> > Ubuntu made the decision, then rolled it back (partially) due to community
> > outcry. (https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-19-10-drops-32-bit-support/)
> > If your reason for wanting to drop support is "Ubuntu is doing it", my
> > response would be "cool story bro".
> > Can you state what you are trying to accomplish by dropping support so the
> > merits can be debated?
> >
> > -A


Please don't top post, makes replying in context a major PITA!

Optimise resource allocation for the code base by writing better code, not by
dropping functional parts---code should be simple so as to make errors
obvious, and yes, that includes proper design comments in the code too
(compare solaris code when that was released to _even current_ FreeBSD
code---developers in the former went through painstaking process to
explain even the "obvious" things in *plain English,* where as with
most FOSS the approach is "well, duh!!! it's obvious why bother
writing up???" and the answer is: "it might be obvious now, but (a)
how do I know the code reflects the coder's intent, (b) that intent
was correct in the first place, and (c) how much do you have to
re-learn when you come back to the code in a month, or a year (and I'm not
even talking about someone else trying to figure out what the code does
when the coder `disappears')?") The short of it is---write quality code, not
look for things to trim, if you want better quality software. We had similar
discussion already when Rust was being discussed a while back, and
one of the "big" reasons was "better," yet it's demonstrably equally easy to
write crappy code in the latter.

Igor M.
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