As I recall, Adrian Filipi-Martin wrote:
>       This is in line with what I would expect for RAID 0 and 1.  CPU
> usage just makes the I/O performance measurements more compelling.   CPU
> will also be more interesting when it comes to measuring the RAID 5
> performance later.

And you'd particularly want to check CPU on the RAID 5 with a disc
down.  Life is worst when you have to do the pre-reads to be able to
calculate the XORs when writing and reading a 4 plex that just used
to be a 5 plex.

Load and response during catchup would also be a useful data point.

Chad R. Larson (CRL15)   602-953-1392   Brother, can you paradigm?
DCF, Inc. - 14623 North 49th Place, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254-2207

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