Hi Guys,

Thanks for kern.hz suggestion, but according loader.conf in the /boot/defaults directory, kern.hz is already set to 100, is this overridden somewhere else?


Maxim Khitrov wrote:
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Williams <j...@sailorfej.net> wrote:
Hi Folks,

I am trying to run FreeBSD 7 on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2, Windows
Server 2003, on a Dell 2950.

I am having a problem with the system clock running excessively fast, I
initially tried installing 7.1 release but received a nearly continuous
stream of the "calcru: runtime went backward errors", I tried rolling back
to 7.0, and it improved somewhat, but I still received regular "calcru"
errors, and it the system clock was running to fast for ntpd to keep up with
it, I set sysctl kern.timecounter.hardware to i8254 (it tries to default to
ACPI-safe), which helped more, ntpd is now able to keep pace with it, but
only barely, and I haven't seen any "calcru" errors yet.

From the boot time dmesg, on the CPU line, the frequency reported with in
the parenthesizes varies on almost every reboot.

Are there any other adjustments I can make to get this under control?

Have you tried reducing the value of kern.hz (kern.hz="100" in
/boot/loader.conf)? That fixes some clock-related problems on VMWare

- Max
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