On Apr 8, 2009, at 5:59 PM, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Rsync is used for "snapshots" with --link-dest= (each day has own directory and all unchenged files are hardlinked to previous day and I have history of two month back). Backups are stored on /vol0 with compression enabled. (compression is enabled on /usr/ports, /usr/src, /var/db/pkg, /vol0)

# df -hi /vol0/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on tank/vol0 2.7T 1.3T 1.3T 50% 17939375 11172232 62% / vol0

This backup server is in service from october 2008 with just one panic (kmem related). After proper loader.conf tuning it is working well.

You might want to look at this commit if you are using rsync --link- dest and getting kmem panics:


and the MFC:


It seems quite possible to me that kmem panics could be mistakenly attributed to zfs when the name cache is eating up memory.

Hope that helps.

- Ben
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