Hi all,

I've spent the weekend doing a ports catch-up: there seems to
have been a lot of activity recently!  It's taking a long time
at least partly because portmaster doesn't seem to be "doing the
right thing" all of a sudden: it will happily trace the
dependencies and build the first superceded port, but fails to
re-install it.   On every occsaion this weekend, it gets to
===> Installing for foo-0.123_2
===> Generating temporary packing list
===> Checking if graphics/foo already installed
===>  foo-0.123_2 is already installed
     You may wish to "make deinstall" and blah, blah, blah...

Of course it's installed, that's why I'm running portmaster!

So I go into the directory, run make deinstall reinstall clean,
and that goes without a hitch.  Restart portmaster -uBd -a and
half an hour later it will fail in the same way, and I'll have
to do the same dance.

It's most likely something dumb that I've got misconfigured: can
anyone suggest to me where I should look?

(I don't normally run with the -B switch.  I put that in
recently to stop it from trying to build backup packages,
because it had previously been failing dismally at that stage,
because most of the installed files didn't match their md5
hashes for some reason.  I'm not too concerned with that:
packing lists often get mixed up, in my experience.)



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