Miroslav Lachman pisze:
If I may chip in here on a similar note.
I'm currently looking for a port management tool that might replace good ol' portinstall/portupgrade tools in my toolbox. Portmaster looks promising but I noticed that it doesn't seem to take BATCH=yes in my /etc/make.conf into consideration. So, is it me or there's something more I have to do?

I think BATCH=yes is unrelated to portmaster. This variable is (should be) read by port build process it-self as if you build it by command cd /usr/ports/category/port & make install clean

Well, when I install port directly (using `make install` in port's directory) BATCH flag is honored. When I install a port using portmaster it ain't.

So, I'm wondering whether it's only me or not.

Cezary Morga
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