Ruben de Groot pisze:
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 09:18:11AM +0200, Bartosz Stec typed:
And as usual MAKE A GOOD BACKUP !!!!

As I remember when I did upgrade from FreBSD 6.4 to 7.0, I ran 'portupgrade -afi' after thar, BUT as I remember all my ports in fact works before they were upgraded. If I understand correctly, the reason of this was not making delete-old and delete-old-libs?

So should following upgrade procedure be painless?

0. Backup!
1. cvsup 8.0-stable
2. make buildworld && make buildkernel
3. make installkernel
4. reboot and jump to single user mode
5. make installworld && mergemastger
6. take a deep breath & reboot
7. portupgrade -afi
8. make delete-old && make delete-old-libs
9. reboot
10. Hooray!

My concern is - will my ports works after point 6. ? Quite important thing when machine can't be offline by hours during portupgrade -afi ....

What do you want to hear? "Yes, all will be fine" ? There's never such 
If it means that much to you, MAKE A GOOD BACKUP. And be prepared to restore it.
And if the machine really can't be offline for some hours, you should have a
fallback machine anyway which you could use to test it on.


Oh well, I don't want to hear any guarantees :) . Simple 'It should be OK' or 'You will probably get into troubles with this procedure so use test machine first' would be great. Fortunately Johan Hendriks already gave me answer that explained everything:
If the old libs are still there all ports will work after the reboot.
So a reboot should do no harm.
To test this, try it First on a spare box.
this way you will see the problems, or issues if they arise.

Also make sure your hardware is fully supported by FreeBSD 8, I always
put in a livecd and try all my drive's and mirrors and so on.

Also be aware that the libusb port is in the base system on 8.
And i do not know if they work on a 8 system with the libusb port

But it sounds like a server so there should be little ports that needs
Thank you Johan.

Bartosz Stec

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