On 2010-Feb-22 01:02:54 -0800, per...@pluto.rain.com wrote:
>Peter Jeremy <peterjer...@acm.org> wrote:
>> ... Once ntpd decides to continuously step, something is broken.
>Is there some reason why, as long as it is not yet synced, ntpd
>should not do this sort of calculation and rate correction itself
>rather than insist on having a human perform the calculation and
>enter the adjustment?

ntpd _does_ do this sort of calculation but the NTP algorithms
bound the PLL adjustment to +/-500ppm.  RFC1305 suggests that
a reasonable tolerance for "board-mounted, uncompensated quartz-
crystal oscillators" is 100ppm and therefore the +/-500ppm bound
is reasonable (see the RFC for the gory maths).

In this case, the op's clock was ~2500ppm slow - well outside
the NTP tolerance.  It was therefore necessary to change the
nominal timecounter frequency to bring it into lock range.  I
do not believe it is reasonable for ntpd to do this by itself:
- It should very rarely be needed since NTP should be able to
  compensate for normal tolerances.
- The actual local clock source and how to alter the kernel's
  idea of its nominal frequency is outside the purview of NTP.
- Giving ntpd free reign over the timecounter frequency runs
  the real risk of ntpd rendering the system unusable if ntpd
  becomes confused (or is mislead) about the time.

Note that FreeBSD/i386 and /amd64 include 4 different possible
timecounters, only 3 of which can be tweaked.  Other FreeBSD
architectures will have different timecounters.  Other OSs may
have completely different mechanisms for handling the local
clock source.  Trying to embed knowledge of all these different
clock sources into ntpd would be unrealistic.

I look after over 100 assorted Unix hosts at home and work (HP
AlphaServers and Proliants, various Sun servers, Dell and whitebox PCs
and various laptops) and the worst driftrates I have seen previously
- Sun T-2000 servers have a design flaw in the clock spectrum
  spreading so it appears to be ~250ppm fast.  Sun fixed this
  with a kernel patch that increases the nominal clock frequency.
- A Sun V20z is just over 100ppm out - I have tweaked the
  relevant timecounter to compensate for this (to avoid triggering
  my NTP frequency error alarms).
- 4 assorted Sun hosts that run 55-60ppm out.

At least based on my sample, the only hosts that were anywhere near
ntpd's tolerance limits were acknowledged to have a design problem
and the vendor provided a fix.  IMO, this is a better approach than
trying to make ntpd omniscient.

Peter Jeremy

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