On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Maho NAKATA <cha...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi FreeBSD developers,
> [the original article in Japanese can be found at
> http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nakatamaho/e/b5f6fbc3cc6e1ac4947463eb1ca4eb0a ]
> *Abstract*
> I compared the peak performance of FreeBSD 8.0/amd64 and Ubuntu 9.10 amd64
> using dgemm
> (a linear algebra routine, matrix-matrix multiplication).
> I obtained only 70% of theoretical peak performance on FreeBSD 8/amd64 and
> almost 95% on Ubuntu 9.10 /amd64. I'm really disappointed.
> *Introduction*
> I'm a friend of Gotoh Kazushige, the principal developers of GotoBLAS. He
> told me that
> FreeBSD is not suitable OS for scientific computing or high performance
> computing. He says
> (in Japanese and my translation):
> > I guess FreeBSD does page coloring, but I don't think FreeBSD considers
> very large cache
> > size which recent CPU has. Support of a very large cache on Linux is
> still not very will
> > sophisticated, but on *BSDs, its worst; they uses too fine memory
> allocation method,
> > so we cannot expect large continuous physical memory allocation.

These statements about FreeBSD's memory management are wrong, or at least
outdated.  FreeBSD is very likely to allocate physical memory in contiguous
chunks to your memory-hungry application even if automatic superpage
promotion does not occur.

You should refer your friend to my paper at
tell him that FreeBSD >= 7.2 implements a variation on what that paper

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