On 14/7/2010 12:32 μμ, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:56:57AM +0300, George Mamalakis wrote:
On 14/7/2010 11:42 πμ, Reko Turja wrote:
I have a problem: ldapsearch results in "Segmentation fault" under
openldap-2.4.23 with cyrus-sasl-2.1.23

A thread for similar issues was started by George Mamalakis back in

but I find no solution / conclusion from this thread, hence I
post here...

I have installed FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 on i386, updated with
freebsd-update, and ports updated with "portsnap fetch update".

Kerberos installed from packages, configured, and seems to work OK.
I had similar issue with 8-RELEASE and cyrus-sasl2 with
cyrus-saslauthd linked against system kerberos.

(uname -a xxx.xxx.xxx 8.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p3 #1:
Sat Jun 12 00:39:22 EEST 2010
r...@xxx.xxx.xxx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WWW i386)

The problem manifested itself with pretty much the same backtrace
when using cyradm tool for administering cyrus mailboxes and due
time constraints I solved my issue by removing all the gssapi
plugin libs from /usr/local/lib/sasl2, so my solution isn't really
applicable in your case.

my /etc/hosts file for the server in question contains only
localhost entry + entry for one IP so George's solution didnt help
with my problem.

/var/log/messages has:
slapd[1146]: OTP unavailable because can't read/write key database
/etc/opiekeys: Permission denied
kernel: pid 53862 (ldapsearch), uid 1001: exited on signal 11
(core dumped)

The first message is from the LDAP server. Even if it has some
problem, it should not lead the client to segfault.
I agree.

If I was to build a test box from scratch, can you tell me how to set up
all the necessary software/etc. to mimic your environment so that I
could try to reproduce this? Reviewing the source isn't enough, I'd
have to actually build a debug version of libgssapi to track it down.
Alternatively I can try to step you through how to debug this using gdb,
but again, lack of debugging symbols makes this annoying.
I'd say that based on present evidence there is something broken
in gssapi/sasl interaction, but due my need of getting the server
functional quickly I didn't dig much further in the issue myself,
although I really don't know how to enable generating debugging
symbols for ports either - Which was another reason for not
digging deeper in the problem.

I wonder if using dovecot-sasl would work with ldap and if it has
the same issue as cyrus-sasl - athough it doesn't seem to be
available as separate port.

Hello guys,

I am glad that somebody brought this issue back, since despite my
last email regarding the same issue on 25/02/2010 saying that there
must be something wrong with the function gss_release_buffer(void
*a, void *b), the issue got forgotten. The problem would not persist
in amd64, so I stopped looking it further myself. Whoever wants to
see more information on this issue, search the subject field of this
list for: openldap client GSSAPI authentication segfaults in
fbsd8stable i386

I hope that a remedy to this issue will be yielded this time.
Like I said -- if someone can step me through setting everything up
(configurations, whatever ports/packages need to be installed, etc.) to
mimic their setup so that I can reproduce the problem, I'll put in the
time to track it down.  This would be on a dedicated/freshly installed
machine (RELENG_8 running under VMware Workstation) to rule out any
other oddities.

It's the LDAP + any quirky GSSAPI or Cyrus stuff that I don't have
experience with.

Unfortunately I have no time this week. I will be able to look at it and send you a quick howto for openldap/cyrus/heimdal on Saturday. If somebody else is able to do it sooner, it would be great. Please, install it on i386 image, since amd64 didn't seem to have any problems on my installation (at least on February).

Thank you for your time and effort.

George Mamalakis

IT Officer
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Un. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

phone number : +30 (2310) 994379

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