On Wed, 21 Jul 2010, Adam Vande More wrote:

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Dan Langille <d...@langille.org> wrote:

Why '-b 34'?  Randi pointed me to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table where it explains what
the first 33 LBA are used for.  It's not for us to use here.

Where SOMEVALUE is the number of blocks to use.  I plan not to use all the
available blocks but leave a few hundred MB free at the end. That'll allow
for the variance in HDD size.

Any suggestions/comments?  Is there any advantage to using the -l option on
'gpart add' instead of the glabel above?

You'll want to make sure your partitions are aligned, discussion here(says
4k drives, but info pertinent to all):


From that thread:


(longer explanation)

I'm not really understanding the alignment issue myself on a few levels:

-Does it only affect the new drives with 4K blocks?
-If it does not, is it generally good to start your first partition at 1MB in? How exactly does doing this "fix" the alignment issue?

My understanding is that you weren't booting from zfs, just using it as an
data file system.  In that case, you'd want to use "gpart add -b 512 ..."
or some other multiple of 16.  Even 1024 would be a good safe number.  Also
GPT creates partitions not slices.  Your resulting partitions with be
labeled something like ad0p1, ad0p2, etc.

I assume the same can be applied if you do boot from zfs; you'd still create the "freebsd-boot" partition starting at 34, but your next partition (be it swap or zfs) would start either 512 or 1024 sectors in?



Adam Vande More
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