Quoth Pete French on Monday, 06 December 2010:
> > Apparently you've been born with a silver spoon or something :-)
> ...more likely an ability to irritate people until it gets fixed ;-)
> > Because few thousand other people do not seem to be as lucky:
> > http://people.freebsd.org/~edwin/gnats/gnats-openpercategorycummulative.html
> ah, not  good graph ;-(

This graph does not look unreasonable to me.  In fact, the initial
increase should be expected, and the more recent leveling off indicates
that the maintainers and committers are keeping up with the flow.  For a
volunteer operation, I think it's commendable -- some for-profit efforts
I've worked with don't do as well.

Sterling (Chip) Camden    | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | 2048D/3A978E4F
http://camdensoftware.com | http://chipstips.com        | http://chipsquips.com

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