On Tue, 7 Dec 2010, Andriy Gapon wrote:
 > on 07/12/2010 01:44 Pete French said the following:
 > >> Apparently you've been born with a silver spoon or something :-)
 > > 
 > > ...more likely an ability to irritate people until it gets fixed ;-)
 > That's exactly the reason why I said "unless the reporter also actively 
 > pursues
 > it" :-)
 > Because as my experience shows most of the unresolved PRs are of
 > fire-and-forget[*] kind.
 > [*] forget - unless some developer for some reason starts bugging the 
 > reporter,
 > but that's an unnatural order of things :-)

Well in that case, I'm most impressed by the swathe of unnatural acts 
you've been performing on mostly old [acpi] PRs the last few days :)

Seriously though, your view on this is encouraging; I was starting to 
suspect that the reason nobody's yet commented on my '60 second stall 
resuming Thinkpad T23 on 8.x - regression' post the other day was that I 
hadn't yet filed a PR on it .. but I tried here first precisely because 
I've really no idea whether it's a kern, acpi or maybe net/fxp issue, 
and neither, I suspect, would whoever had to assign it to somewhere.

cheers, Ian
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