On 10. Mar 2012, at 08:07 , Adam Strohl wrote:

> I've now seen this on two different VMs on two different ESXi servers (Xeon 
> based hosts but different hardware otherwise and at different facilities):
> Everything runs fine for weeks then (seemingly) suddenly/randomly the clock 

Apart from the ntp vs. openvm-tools thing, do you have an idea what "for weeks" 
 means in more detail?  Can you check based on last/daily mails/.. how many 
days it was since last reboot to a) see if it's close to a integer wrap-around 
or b) to give anyone who wants to reproduce this maybe a clue on how long 
they'll have to wait?  For that matter, is it a stock 9.0 or your own kernel?  
What other modules are loaded?


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 You have to have visions!
   It does not matter how good you are. It matters what good you do!

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