On Thu, 2012-08-23 at 11:17 -0400, Ken Menzel wrote:
> I found two good primers:
> http://mebsd.com/configure-freebsd-servers/update-freebsd-source-tree-using-subversion-svn.html
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/committers-guide/article.html#SUBVERSION-PRIMER
> The second primer in the committer handbook seems to indicate that it
> is difficult to run an SVN mirror. This appears to me to be the
> biggest drawback.  I have been using CVS and perforce for years,  but
> subversion is new to me. 

It may be difficult to run an svn mirror that allows you to commit
locally and get those changes back to the project, but running a
read-only mirror is trivial.  The script I run nightly from cron to sync
my local mirror is:

        # svnsync to pull in changes from FreeBSD to my local mirror.
        svnsync sync file:///local/vc/svn/base

I can't remember how I initially created and populated the mirror, but
it's likely I grabbed a snapshot of the mirror at work and brought it
home on a thumb drive (just to avoid initial network DL time).

-- Ian

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