On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Zoran Kolic <zko...@sbb.rs> wrote:
> Yesterday I have gotten lenovo e320 laptop, with core i3 2350
> and HD3000 integrated. Gonna wait few days till 9.1 release.
> I never used anything aside "intel" on my old laptop. Kostik
> Belousov made a port of kms and I found patches from june and
> jule on the net. What should I do after 9.1 install in this
> case? I assume kms is in xorg. Do I have to find and install
> some driver from intel? Do I need to change xorg.conf after
> configure flag, that will make conf file?

Full support for the HD3000 is in 9-stable and 9.1-Beta and all RCs.
To use it you need to build X drivers and drm and the kernel with:
in /etc/make.conf.

Specifically, the kernel and a few ports. graphics/drm and your
org-drivers: xf86-video-intel, xf86-input-synaptics, xf86-input-mouse,
and xf86-input-keyboard. Then just start X. Don't try loading the
kernel module. It will be loaded by the startx.

> Finally, what happens when I leave x and want to go back to
> console mode?

You don't If you try, your system will lock up. You need to shutdown
from a window in X. Hopefully someone will implement switching back to
console mode some day, but it has not happened, yet.

> I tried out live RC2 from usb stick. Few acpi errors, intel
> 1000 wifi found. After some time "sysctl hw.acpi" gave me the
> cpu temperature of 50C. Fan was on. Probably temp gonna go
> down when I add powerd and cx_lowest to rc.conf on hdd. Is
> it normal temp for this cpu?

Pretty reasonable. Be sure to set both cx_lowest to "Cmax". It is new
to 9.1 and fixes some serious issues with C-states on many newer
platforms. Specifically that some platforms skip some C-states and
FreeBSD never used the ones saving more power than hte one skipped.

I always remind folks to blow out the heat sink on laptops about one a
year. Dust is a great insulator and laptops often collect a lot more
dust than office systems, though my office system started dying during
buildworld last week and blowing out the CPU heat sink fixed it up,
but it had been sitting around for almost three years collecting dust.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com
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