On 2012-Oct-20, at 08:29 , Kevin Oberman wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Zoran Kolic <zko...@sbb.rs> wrote:
>> Yesterday I have gotten lenovo e320 laptop, with core i3 2350
>> and HD3000 integrated. Gonna wait few days till 9.1 release.
>> I never used anything aside "intel" on my old laptop. Kostik
>> Belousov made a port of kms and I found patches from june and
>> jule on the net. What should I do after 9.1 install in this
>> case? I assume kms is in xorg. Do I have to find and install
>> some driver from intel? Do I need to change xorg.conf after
>> configure flag, that will make conf file?
> Full support for the HD3000 is in 9-stable and 9.1-Beta and all RCs.
> To use it you need to build X drivers and drm and the kernel with:
> in /etc/make.conf.
> Specifically, the kernel and a few ports. graphics/drm and your
> org-drivers: xf86-video-intel, xf86-input-synaptics, xf86-input-mouse,
> and xf86-input-keyboard. Then just start X. Don't try loading the
> kernel module. It will be loaded by the startx.
>> Finally, what happens when I leave x and want to go back to
>> console mode?
> You don't If you try, your system will lock up. You need to shutdown
> from a window in X. Hopefully someone will implement switching back to
> console mode some day, but it has not happened, yet.
>> I tried out live RC2 from usb stick. Few acpi errors, intel
>> 1000 wifi found. After some time "sysctl hw.acpi" gave me the
>> cpu temperature of 50C. Fan was on. Probably temp gonna go
>> down when I add powerd and cx_lowest to rc.conf on hdd. Is
>> it normal temp for this cpu?
> Pretty reasonable. Be sure to set both cx_lowest to "Cmax". It is new
> to 9.1 and fixes some serious issues with C-states on many newer
> platforms. Specifically that some platforms skip some C-states and
> FreeBSD never used the ones saving more power than hte one skipped.
> I always remind folks to blow out the heat sink on laptops about one a
> year. Dust is a great insulator and laptops often collect a lot more
> dust than office systems, though my office system started dying during
> buildworld last week and blowing out the CPU heat sink fixed it up,
> but it had been sitting around for almost three years collecting dust.

I'm trying to do something similar, except with an HD4000 (i5-3570K) on 9.1-RC2.

The problem I'm having, after setting the make variables as above, is that 
xorg-drivers port doesn't show the intel driver. In fact, there's the specific 
part of the Makefile:

.if (${ARCH} == "amd64" || ${ARCH} == "i386") && !defined(WITH_NEW_XORG)
VIDEO_ON+=      intel

So what driver should I be using?


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