On Nov 22, 2012, at 2:43 AM, <nickolas...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I've not used it myself, but this sound like something VIMAGE may be good
>> for, basically it's a virtual tcp stack per jail, there's some docs at
>> http://wiki.freebsd.org/Image but I seem to remember a more up to date one
>> elsewhere but can't find it at the moment!

I have created a boot script for managing vimages (downloadable as a FreeBSD 
package) and made a little write-up on how to use it...

Note that I use netgraph for bridging (not if_bridge+epair method which seems 
to be popular in some other setups -- we've benchmarked netgraph and it scales 
well). Not to mention that "ngctl dot | dot -Tsvg -o network.svg" can produce 
nice pretty graphs of your vimage structure when using my setup.

> AFAIK, VIMAGE is still experimental feature.

Works great, tho, seriously! We're multiplexing hardware 20:1 and could 
probably push it further (but have conservatively kept things at about 2-3x the 
number of logical CPUs for number-of-vimages (tho, we have benchmarked up to 
65530 nodes on a single bridged network connection before netgraph would refuse 
to make another (impressive -- but not nearly as impressive as the ~90 minutes 
it took ifconfig to list all the interfaces lol?).

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