On 31 Dec 2012 20:40, "Chris H" <chris#@1command.com> wrote:
> Greetings Chris, and thank you for your reply.
> > On 31 Dec 2012 19:52, "Chris H" <chris#@1command.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Greetings,
> >>  The following is hijacked from another thread, which prompts me to
> >> post this question:
> >>
> >> > On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 11:49:06AM -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith
> > wrote:
> >> >> (Not sure if this is the right mailing list, but here goes.)
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > -doc@ is a better choice.
> >> >
> >> >> Last night I did a csup to retrieve the whole cvs repository.  I
> > noticed
> >> >> that huge numbers of files in doc and www have been deleted.  Is
> >> >> intentional, or is it the svn to cvs program not working properly?
> >> >> if it is the latter, are there plans to restore it?
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > We are not exporting docs from SVN to CVS.  There are no plans to do
> >>
> >> After more that 25yrs of enjoying *BSD, and all it has to offer. I find
> >> myself ever so resistant to change -- what with all the maintenance
> > scripts,
> >> and procedures I've created/accumulated over the years. As I'm guessing
> > I'm
> >> not the only one feeling this way, I'm wondering if there is still a
> >> that's still current, that I might be able to mirror, and maintain,
> >> forward? Perhaps this is all folly, but this subject has been bugging
> >> for some time, and reading this thread prompted me to attempt to
> >> it.
> >>
> >> Thank you for all your time, and consideration.
> >
> > I'm sorry, but the exporter scripts were always a stopgap.
> That's what I was afraid I would hear. Recently, I was informed by SF.NET,
> that my account would be upgraded, and all the projects I have, which all
> use CVS, would be "upgraded" to SVN (which renders them useless). When I
> asked why, they told me because CVS was so old. To which I stated:
> Indeed, CVS is _quite_ old, and so is TCP/IP. Yet no one can seem live
> without it.
> Sigh...
> IM(NS)HO; SVN is an inferior RCS created so Windows users wouldn't feel
> left out.
> Are there _any_ CVS servers/trunks/tree's left? If so, how _current_ are
> they?

As far as I know, no FreeBSD CVS repos are current.

> Thanks again for taking the time to reply, Chris.

You can run your own CVS server should you wish; it's not that hard; there
are instructions at [1] if you want something more fully-featured.

I promise you that there are many good reasons to switch to something
better; I was an avid CVS user at one point, but I sure wouldn't go back


[1] http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/cvs-freebsd/article.html
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