On 28.09.2013 00:12, Teske, Devin wrote:
> On Sep 27, 2013, at 3:06 PM, David Demelier wrote:
>> On 21.09.2013 12:40, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>>> On 21/09/2013 11:31, O. Hartmann wrote:
>>>> I'd like to switch off this silly "Nakatomi Socrates" message which
>>>> reminds me on Linux and their childish naming schemes.
>>>> It is only cosmetics, but it bothers me whenever I switch on the laptop.
>>>> I guess there is a switch already prsent to have in the bootloader
>>>> config?
>>> It's turned off by default in more recent 9.2-STABLE
>>> Otherwise:
>>> loader_logo="orb"
>>> in /boot/loader.conf  -- see loader.conf(5)
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Matthew
>> Hi,
>> I have loader_logo="orb" and I still have a message at the right bottom
>> with that stupid joke.
> I already responded to this once.
> loader_version=""
> See version.4th(8).
>> It's really pisses me off *now*.
> Why *now*? I already answered this... (link to archives below)
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2013-September/075260.html
> If you say that you tried this and it didn't work, then by all means...
> come back (pissed off or not) and we'll debug the situation.

I already asked a few weeks ago what was this strange artwork on my boot
loader and I was told to use loader_logo to completely disable it.

I've first said that it's funny but I would not recommend to enable it
by default because it's really not serious and the artwork was really
immature in the scope of the FreeBSD project.

Then I was "happy" because I get my orb as usual. And today, I've
updated to 9.2-RELEASE SVN tag and saw there was again a message about
this stupid "Nakatomi Socrates" version in green. So I needed to check
again *why* this has been enabled by default and that's why it was
starting to get my nerves.

I personally think (but you may totally disagree with) that an operating
system *is* an operating system. And I really hate easter eggs or
anything else not serious being integrated into the system. I think
about a new user installing FreeBSD 9.2, I would not imagine his
reaction front of this kind of "tribute" or whatever you call that. For
me it stands for "that's not serious, it looks like a toy".

Fortunately now it's just a "version" but I would really not imagine
when the screen was looking with the "tribute" loader_logo.

Seriously, I don't understand why people waste time to create jokes like
that instead of working on serious issues.

You may think I'm putting to much significance on this kind of matter
but I like (and I'm not the only one) serious, clean things.

And the real reason that made me yell like that was that I needed to ask
/ complain a second time to remove that "tribute" thing again.

> The person that recommended loader_logo was incorrectly thinking you
> were talking about the ARTWORK that you get by default in RC1-RC3 which
> is now non-default (requiring loader_logo="tribute" to enable beyond RC3).
> The "named releases" however are staying enabled by default.
> And as I answered in the archives...
> loader_version="whatever you want to name your release"
> or
> loader_version=""
> is how you customize the text which seems to piss you off so much.


>> I already said it was okay to add a new
>> logo for that stupid joke. But now, I have orb set and I still see that
>> in my bootloader.
>> How can I disable this forever ?!
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2013-September/075260.html
>> Also in the future you can just forgot that crappy ideas as you can see,
>> nobody liked it.
> Uh... I'm ignoring that.

Check again in the lists, I'm not the only one complaining on that.
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