I have been running 11.2-STABLE for a while at r345498.  Last weekend it 
so I took the opportunity to install the most recent build I had lying around, 
I created a new boot environment and installed the r347182 kernel into it, shut 
system down, and rebooted.  The new kernel came up and appeared to be working 
okay, so
I continued with the mergemaster -p -F, make installworld, and mergemaster -F, 
shut it down again, and rebooted.  It asked for the GELI key for the boot pool, 
I then entered.  The spinning slash cursor appeared and may have changed for 
one frame
or so, and then I got a message beginning with "BTX" and followed by several 
lines of
hexadecimal, and then it stopped.  I tried it again just to be sure, and the 
result was
exactly the same.
     Does anyone know whether the PMBR boot block or the loader in the 
partition changed between r345498 and r347182?  I found no warning in 
about installworld potentially leaving a wasted system, so I don't have a clear 
of what went wrong, much less whether I missed some instruction somewhere about 
updates.  If anyone can lend me a clue here, I would greatlyappreciate it.  I 
only had
one working machine, and now it is only working in a "rescue" mode by booting 
from a
DVD.  (Probably needless to say, but I will burn new DVDs with up-to-date stuff 
as soon
as my system is working the way it is supposed to again.)
     This motherboard is nearly 11 years old and does not boot from USB (in 
spite of
the BIOS menus say), so at the moment I am logged into SDF by running a long 
TrueOS installer DVD, which happens to be a pain to get to boot all the way, 
but I've
figured how to make it do it rather than get stuck with a logo on the screen 
that never
goes away.  Unfortunately, it includes no software to burn a CD or DVD, so I 
make a new bootable disk for the time being.  I will check email much later 
today or
this evening.
     Thanks in advance for any helpful ideas!

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at sdf.org   *xor*   bennett at freeshell.org  *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army."                                               *
*    -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790         *
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