On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Michael R. Rudel wrote:

> [... SNIP ...]
> Personally, I don't see a problem with the -CURRENT and -STABLE naming
> scheme. As someone said, anybody who can CVSup (not to mention get the
> sample CVSup files to work off of) yet not read the rest of the
> documentation has other issues. Renaming -CURRENT to -DEV or -DEVEL would
> be the equivlent of dulling all the knives in your house so that people
> don't cut themselves.

A poor analogy.  A better one would be labelling the knife drawer
something other than knives.

> Changing the whole
> release process of something that has worked for years isn't going to help
> anything

Nothing has been suggested about change the *process*.  AFAIK, we're
talking about the name.  Not the process

>, people are always going to be confused if you change it - if you
> suddenly change the way this shit is named, I'm going to be confused when
> 4.4 comes around or whatever.

Said confusion, if any, would be temporary and well announced. What is
being proposed is a name which helps new people out and which will still
make sense long after they've joined te project.

> Just chill, and instruct people to Read The
> Fine Manual.

AFAIK, everyone is chilled.  As for discarding the issue with a RTFM,
that's avoiding the issue altogether and will not achieve anything.
Reasoned discussion, whch is what I thought we were doing, will.

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