On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 11:54:10PM -0400, Kevin Way wrote:

> cvsup works fine over dialup, and not unacceptably slowly either.

I cvsup the whole thing, maintaining my own local copy of the entire
repository.  Source, ports, doc, gnats, www.  No refuse files at all
(not got round to it).

I normally use a 64K ISDN connection to my ISP, and the cvsup server is
fairly "close" to them.  Line utilisation is close to 100% only when
rsyncing big files in the www collection (book.html etc).  Most of the
time line utilisation is very much less.  Elapsed time is bearable.

Of course, if you start with nothing, the first cvsup takes a while - 7
hours with two channels (128K) going, close to flat out as I recall.

> A satisfied dialup cvsup user,

Me too.  I started with CTM, moved to checking out "stable" from a cvsup
mirror, and on to having my own repository.  Its all a bit heavy on disk
space, but that is fairly plentiful nowadays.  Aside: my first UNIX box
ran SCO ODT, with 120 MB of disk and 8 MB of memory.  Definitely too
little disk (8-(

Adrian Wontroba

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