On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 02:20:13AM +0200, clemensF wrote:
> > > Kris Kennaway:
> >
> > > I understand gcc 3.x supports optimization for the newer AMD chips; it
> > > will be imported into 5.0-CURRENT at some point, but may not make it
> > > back into 4.x because of the disruption involved.
> >
> > on my machine `gcc -v' outputs `gcc version 2.95.3 [FreeBSD] 20010315
> > (release)'.  i'd like to read a rundown about this compiler, about how well
> > it's doing on different platforms, what the differences between it and egc
> > are, if i can compile fortran with it, how this would be done, that kind of
> > thing.

    GCC 2.95.3 == EGCS 2.95.3.  Some time ago, the GCC folks decided
to rename themselves EGCS, the Extended GNU Compiler Suite, and then
they decided they liked GCC better.  GCC now stands for GNU Compiler
Collection, currently handling C, C++, Java, and FORTRAN.  Chill
support has been dropped because no one stepped forward to maintain

    Version 2.95.3 was the last stable version before 3.0 came out.
There was an interim 2.96 release that contained experimental support
for generating 64-bit code on SPARCs, but it was not blessed as a
"stable" release, IIUC.

> > i've never found a document of this type, a few sentences would suffice,
> > because i am everything _but_ a compiler bauer.  maybe the right url would
> > do.

    http://gcc.gnu.org/ , which includes a doxygen run on the GNU STL.

    Note that STLport (a port of SGI's STL, see http://www.stlport.org )
compiles fine under GCC, and appears to be more stable when used with

    What I'd like to know is if anyone has figured out a way to do a
g++ equivalent to Microsoft's "precompiled headers".  If so, please
clue me in:  they really speed up a build on a big project.

Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer                   (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.

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