On Sun, 28 Oct 2001, Heath Nielson wrote:

> On Sunday 28 October 2001 05:40 pm, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> >     I attempted to view a DVD with the ogle port (nice DVD menu
> > support), and I crashed my machine (4.4-STABLE, cvsup'd at
> > Fri Oct 19 01:08:36 EDT 2001).  There was no crashdump, but the last
> > messages logged before the crash were:
> >
> > Oct 28 17:35:38 topperwein /kernel: ata1-master: too many segments in DMA
> > table Oct 28 17:36:37 topperwein /kernel: ata1-master: too many segments in
> > DMA table
> >
> >     What does this mean, and how do I fix it?
> I've reported the same problem.  It *seems* to involve the ATA driver (or at
> least that is what is being executed when my panic occurs).  I filed my info
> under the following PR:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=31530
> It's nice to know I'm not the only one having this problem.

    I did a little digging, and it's still not immediately obvious to
me why the crash occurs (this is only the first time I've looked at
that code).  The "quick-and-dirty" (and probably wrong) solution may
be to increase the value of ATA_DMA_ENTRIES, but I'm not sure what
side effects that would have.  First thing is to find out how many are
being requested right before the crash, which is relatively easy (if
somewhat painful) to do.

    I've reproduced this with vlc, btw.  It's not limited to ogle (and
one other person reported a crash with mplayer).

Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer                   (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.

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