On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 09:52:51AM +0200, Peter Ulrich Kruppa wrote:
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Peter Ulrich Kruppa wrote:
learn that named and BIND have changed. I did the respective
changes and edited two entries in /var/named/etc/named/named.conf
1) I commented
        listen-on       {;};

Instead of opening a 53/tcp, 53/udp port to the world (ANYADDR), you may prefer to restrict the address range to your internal LAN only, with something like (replace accordingly):

listen-on {;; };

Check with 'sockstat -46' to be sure.

2) I put my two nameserver IPs (from /etc/resolv.conf) into
        forwarders {

They are not absolutely necessary: named is perfectly able to query root and other servers itself. You could experiment with or without forwarders, and pick the configuration that is faster for you. As a general rule of thumb: Forwarders are good for recursive queries, because only one query will travel through your ADSL link, other queries being done by your ISPs nameservers. They are also good, because you can profit from your ISPs nameservers' cache. But they can hinder performance, should one or both of those nameservers be down for whatever reason.
Both works perfectly well,

another thanks!


Cheers, cpghost.

Cordula's Web. http://www.cordula.ws/
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