Rick Updegrove wrote:

PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND 607 root 131 0 136K 36K RUN 51:14 98.97% 98.97% burnK7

*"end paste from top process"

As you can see it went on for 51 minutes and my machine did not lock up
and the heat alarm did not go off. Please note that I ran KDE and
portupgrade during this test with no problems at all. Also note there is a
160 GIG drive in here that was undergoing a fsck -B which really slows down the system a lot.

Thanks again for the reply, but I do not suspect hardware per se.  The
reason I believe this is as I mentioned  this machine runs FreeBSD
4.11-STABLE and/or Win2K (all service packs) just fine.  On windoze I
just beat half-life 2 without ever crashing it.

98.87% for 51 minutes *should* have triggered any heat problems, so looks like the HW is not the problem (worth ruling out anyway).

best wishes

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