Remo Lacho wrote:

>On 6/4/2005 at 12:26 AM Hans F. Nordhaug wrote:
>>Dear list,
>>I would like to use RAID-1 as a back-up solution. If one of the disk
>>breaks I would like my server to continue to run from the other disk.
>>I have followed the mailing list for a while and read some howtos,
>>but I'm not sure if this is possible (without doing all kinds of tricks
>>when the accidents happens - removing meta data and so on). In
>>addition, I thought, gvinum was the way to go, but hasn't there been
>>some problems with it (reported here lately)? I'm running 5.3 - what
>>do you recommend - gvinum, ccd, others? What is the definitive howto for
>>the recommend solution. Thx for your time.
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>Good place to start:
Up to a point - beware of geom_mirror with USB and FireWire disks - it's
temperamental at best and with my FireWire drives simple won't work
reliably (panic during boot if a rebuild is needed and unrecoverable
errors during rebuilds).  I've just re-done the mirror set on my box
with gvinum and so far it's looking good - it boots ok and rebuild is a
lot faster.

This on a 5-STABLE box with a FW800 card a 2x LaCie 500GB bigger disk
extreme external FW drives.

If this works for my next trick I'll try RAID5 with 4x250gb usb drives.
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