Are you using the correct cables? I had a problem when I changed system cases and used the wrong cable when I put the drives back in (IDE cable instead of a SATA cable) I now have FreeBSD 5.4-p3 booting up fine and without error. I think this is a common problem, where people forget about the minor details(I am sure we are all guilty of this at some time)

Michael C. Shultz wrote:

I have one IDE and two SATA drives in my system.  With
FreeBSD 5.4 the system would not boot from the SATA
drive so I use the IDE as the primary then mount
the SATA drives in fstab.  I tried upgrading to RELENG_6
and with the new kernel one of the SATA drives errors
out and so can't be mounted.  I don't have the error message
using the 6.0 kernel but here is dmesg from 5.4 if it helps:

ad4: 76319MB <WDC WD800JD-00HKA0/13.03G13> [155061/16/63] at ata2-master SATA150 ad6: 114473MB <WDC WD1200JD-00HBB0/08.02D08> [232581/16/63] at ata3-master SATA150

It is at4 that is failing with 6.0, this drive never gives any problem under 5.4. Both SATA drives are plugged into the same really cheap addon pci

I'll be happy to provide more detail if requested and I'm able.

Thank you,


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