Just as a point of note, I'm not trying to roll out squeeky-clean new machines. Let's say I've got ten-fifteen sets of clusters, I need to be able to just rip a copy and blast it to another machine.

Thanks for all the responses so far.


Dan Mack wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Eli K. Breen wrote:


Does anyone have a good handle on how to replicate (read: image) a freebsd machine from one machine to an ostensibly similar machine?

So far I've used countless variations and combinations of the following:

dd        (Slow, not usefull if the hardware isn't identical?)
tar        (Doesn't replicate MBR)
rsync        (No MBR support)
Norton Ghost     (Doesn't support UFS/UFS2?)
G4U        (little experience with this)


Is there a jumpstart (solaris), kickstart (redhat linux), roboinst (irix),
or ignite (hpux) like auto-installer for BSD?

If there was, then I wouldn't image the disk at all, I'd instead setup up custom network images that I could blast to any system just by pxebooting it. I'm not sure if it is possible with FreeBSD though, anyone?

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