On Sat, Aug 06, 2005 at 08:40:32AM -0400, J. T. Farmer wrote:
> Kevin Oberman wrote:
> >I would suggest that it would have been better to post to current as 6.0
> >is not yet stable and most of the people who deal with problems are much
> >more likely to see problems reported there.
> > 
> >
> Ok, so I'm a bit confused.  The answer given for the the DMA_WRITE and
> DMA_READ errors experienced under 5.4 with PATA and SATA is to try 6.0.
> If 6.0 is not considered Stable, what are we supposed to do if we want
> to run Stable?

Try it to see if the bug is fixed there, and if so, it gives data
about how to proceed (e.g. maybe there is a bug fix which could be
merged to 5.x).


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