On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 03:02:58PM +0100, Uwe Laverenz wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 06:44:48PM -0500, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > It looks like in the course of writing your long email you forgot to
> > describe any of the problems you are having.
> I don't know his exact problems either, but I could name you a few
> examples that currently reduce the fun of using FreeBSD:
> - The sound sytem is broken in FreeBSD in all 5.x and 6 versions, and I
>   would like to listen to a few mp3-files from time to time.

Well, no, the "sound system" is not broken, perhaps a driver just
doesn't work on your hardware (or you're using the wrong driver).  You
also forgot to describe your system.

> - Keeping the system and the ports up to date gets more and more time
>   consuming and risky (especially when compared to an "apt-get update &&
>   apt-get upgrade"). For example, the last devel/pear update in the
>   ports crashed my PHP installations on 2 development machines (still no
>   clue how to fix this).

As far as I can tell nothing has changed here except for random timing
of updates.  Yes, sometimes when an update it committed it is broken
at first or requires extra work on your part to adapt.  This has
always been true, except thesedays we make a lot more effort to test
for problems and describe any additional upgrade steps (see UPDATING).
When you encounter a problem, as you apparently did, you need to
inform the appropriate people (e.g. port maintainer), otherwise
there's no way they can help you to resolve it.


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