I've been trying to get sound working on a Compaq Armada 1580 with
a recent 6-STABLE.  With devices 'sound' and 'snd_sbc' built into
the kernel and no hints, I get:

ESS0004: adding io range 0x250-0x257, size=0x8, align=0
pnpbios: handle 16 device ID ESS0004 (04007316)
ESS1878: adding io range 0x220-0x22f, size=0x10, align=0
ESS1878: adding io range 0x388-0x38b, size=0x4, align=0
ESS1878: adding io range 0x330-0x331, size=0x2, align=0
ESS1878: adding irq mask 0x20
ESS1878: adding dma mask 0x2
ESS1878: adding dma mask 0x20
pnpbios: handle 17 device ID ESS1878 (78187316)
unknown: <ESS0004> failed to probe at port 0x250-0x257 on isa0
sbc0: <ESS ES1878> at port 0x220-0x22f,0x388-0x38b,0x330-0x331 irq 5 drq 1,5 on 
unknown: <PNP0e03> failed to probe at port 0x3e0-0x3e1 on isa0
Device configuration finished.

Note that there's no pcm reported and the only sound-related device is
/dev/sndstat.  I get the same behaviour if I don't build sound into
the kernel and kldload snd_sbc.ko (which autoloads sound.ko).

laptop1# sysctl hw.snd.verbose=2
hw.snd.verbose: 1 -> 2
laptop1# sysctl hw.snd
hw.snd.targetirqrate: 32
hw.snd.report_soft_formats: 1
hw.snd.verbose: 2
hw.snd.unit: 0
hw.snd.maxautovchans: 0
laptop1# cat /dev/sndstat 
FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm)
Installed devices:

I have successfully used sound on a similar laptop with 4.9, where the
probes looked like:
sbc0: <ESS ES1878> at port 0x220-0x22f,0x388-0x38b,0x330-0x331 irq 5 drq 1,5 on 
pcm0: <ESS 18xx DSP> on sbc0

I suspect the problem is that sbc0 is not triggering attachment of
pcm0 but I'm uncertain why.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Peter Jeremy

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