On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 11:44:12AM -0400, Jamie Bowden wrote:
> On 9/9/06, Mark Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Yeah, -STABLE is what you should run if you want stable code, right?
> >        No. STABLE means STABLE API.
> >        If you want stable code you run releases.  Between releases
> >        stable can become unstable.  Think of stable as permanent
> >        BETA code.  Changes have passed the first level of testing
> >        in current which is permanent ALPHA code.
> No, this is what it means now.  I've been running FreeBSD since 1.1,
> and -STABLE used to mean exactly that.  The developement branch was
> -C, and -S was where things went after extensive testing.  You were
> not allowed to break -S or Jordan would rip your fingers off.  This
> change to the current structure wasn't meant to be permanent when it
> was done (between 4 and 5, IIRC), and was only done out of necessity
> because the changes across that major release were huge.
> FreeBSD needs an interim track that mirrors what -STABLE used to be,
> which is a track between point releases that can be relied upon (and
> RELEASE_x_y doesn't work, since it only addresses security and bugs
> deemed worthy, which most aren't).

        YES [bar].   Until then I'm wedged into running -RELEASE 
        (and occasionally praying to the computer gods.

> -- 
> Jamie Bowden
> -- 
> "It was half way to Rivendell when the drugs began to take hold"
> Hunter S Tolkien "Fear and Loathing in Barad Dur"
> Iain Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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