Marc G. Fournier wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Sep 2006, Hans Lambermont wrote:
>>Julian H. Stacey wrote:
>>>Stable is a misnomer that harms FreeBSD somewhat.
>>Why not rename 'stable' into 'stable-api' ?
> Or rename it what it is:
> 6.x-BETA
> Where x == the next -RELEASE ...

Also fine by me :)

I followed this long thread in slight amazement, but the 'what is
stable' confusion is very recognizable. I'm open for changing the name.

> In the case that started this thread, it seems to be that the
> developer fixed his mistake fairly quickly, which is what one would
> expect ... it shouldn't be so much that he *broke* -STABLE (shit
> happens, do you want your money back?), but it should be 'was he
> around to reverse his mistake in a reasonable amount of time?' ... ?

I think the answer is yes (and always has been afaik).

  Hans Lambermont
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