On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 10:14:41PM +0100, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:

> If linux-firefox isn't working for youhere, I really don't have any

The 1.5.x version _is_ working for me. It is 2.0.x that
exhibits severe problems.

My complaint (to get back on the topic) is that 1.5 disappeared from
the ports replaced by a less stable version.  Sure, we might not
know when the port was upgraded, but if experience teaches something,
release N+1.0 of something is usually buggier than release N.X of
the same software.

So i am just advocating to keep the "stable" version around while
the "current" one becomes stable enough.

After all, in ports we have six versions of openoffice.org, four
versions of staroffice, six versions of emacs/xemacs, etc.  (not
counting language-specific or other versions with minor variations)

I understand that having multiple versions of the same thing is less
than ideal, but for binary-only things where we have no chance to
fix issues with with local patches, it makes a lot of sense.

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