On Thursday 25 January 2007 04:08, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> For purposes of making the subject less true, setting up greylisting
> with an optional tarpit for known baddies can be very effective.  See
> Dan Langille's recent Onlamp article[1] or for that matter my tutorial[2]
> for how this is done using PF and spamd - this way it doesn't matter much
> which MTA(s) you use.
> [1] http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2007/01/18/greylisting-with-pf.html
> [2] http://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/en/, with the specifics of spamd and
>     greylisting starting at http://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/en/spamd.html

all this methods are certainly useless, stay calm ok

the only way to block spam really is blocking any incoming tcp:25 ...

any firewall based method you may use do block innocents as well, ike some do 
they block entire IP ranges from countries because most spam comes from them, 
that is stupid, more brainless since the spam mostly is not generated by any 
of this servers, it only goes through it, this method might cause *you* not 
getting this spam but does not stop spam at all ...

probably better, if you like firewall blocks, cutting the complete US IP 
address space from sending to any tcp:25 to stop spam definitly, because I 
never heard of chinese or african viagra hahahaha

spam block list abviously are very usefull so long as they are maintained

IMO a good way and probably the best way is to do some inicial checks like 
connection rate and limit them, then a spam checker like spamassassin for 
regex and header checks

still you get SPAM and you never can block spam 100%, spammers change servers, 
IPs, patterns faster then we can react, but we all know this right? 

and even then if you get it all into your box you still get spam by whom sends 
it out without caring of identity or hiding it, a correct email msg but spam

where spam needs to be catched is at the origin, ISPs should take care of this 
problem by not permitting access to outside servers but only passing through 
their smtp gateways, an outgoing spam check is what needs to be done but  
here nobody cares ...



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