Willy Offermans wrote:
> Dear FreeBSD friends,
> Is it possible to add and configure a tap device at boot time of
> FreeBSD? I mean the same as a normal NIC. In my rc.conf:
> <snip>
> ...
> ifconfig_xl0="inet promisc netmask"
> ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"
> ifconfig_tap0="inet netmask"
> ...
> </snip>
try adding

to your rc.conf

> and in my /boot/loader.conf:
> <snip>
> ...
> if_tap_load="YES"
> ...
> </snip>
> if_xl0 and if_rl0 are compiled into the kernel.
> Maybe it is even possible to set the MAC address of the tap device!?
> The tap device should be available before named and dhcpd have been
> started. In that way I can provide IP addresses over the tap device 
> and add appropriate DNS entries.
> I like to run openvpn with tap devices and want to use the dhcpd server
> to provide IP addresses and update the named. This works quite well.
> However after reboot I always have to restart named and dhcpd again
> since the tap device becomes available after these services have started
> during boot. I guess this problem will be solved if the tap device is
> already available and configured before named and dhcpd have started.

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