
Having various issues with 7.0-BETA4 and not sure where to begin.  Going
to post multiple issues here so please bear with me.  The ultimate goal
of course is 7.0-BETA4 working cleanly in addition to associate ports
(e.g. I can't get xchat or java to work either (though all my others
port do) and I think its related somehow to this)).  Feel free to point
me at another list if applicable.

EDIT: Big text attachments so I compressed.

- Background: Install 7.0-BETA2 off the amd64.iso.
- Background: / is UFS, /usr is ZFS
- uname -a = FreeBSD ssfbsd.securestate.org 7.0-BETA4 FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4
#0: Mon Dec 10 08:36:52 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64


Issue #1:

For some reason zfs_enable="YES" in rc.conf doesn't work.  It doesn't
seem to auto mount my zfs mounts which is a PITA.  Currently I am forces
(each time I reboot) to boot into single user mode, mount all my drives,
then exit, continuing into multi-user mode.  The interesting this is step 3.

1) fsck -p
2) mount -u /
3) zfs
4) zfs mount -a
5) exit

NOTE: If I skip #3 and immediately do #4 it mails.  For some reason I
have to to a straight zfs call.

NOTE: If I immediately go to multiuser mode skipping manually mounting
not only does zfs not mount but I have to re-force import the tank pool
(e.g. step 3.5: zpool import -f tank)


Issue 2:

I originally built my source with WITHOUT_TCSH=YES defined but then
discovered later that OpenOffice.org needs it to build.  I can manually
go into /usr/src/contrib/tcsh and make and make install but when I
attempt to rebuild world (after removed WITHOUT_TSCH=YES from src.conf)
it dies.  See attachment "buildworld")


Issue 3:

To resolve Issue 2 I simply stick WITHOUT_TCSH=YES back in my src.conf
and make buildworld (attachment: "buildworld_no_tcsh").  Once this
completes I continue to follow UPDATING and make kernel (just fine) and
reboot into single user mode.  Once here though make installworld FAILS
(see attachment: "makeinstallworld").  As you can see my
kern.securelevel is correct and I know for a fact zfs supports symlinks
so got me.  To get around this I do it the old fashion way and "make
installkernel" and then "make install" continuing to follow UPDATING
after this (make delete-old and mergemaster -i).


Issue 4:

For some reason I don't have a /usr/lib32 built even though COMPAT_IA32
is defined in my kernel.  I am guessing this is causeing other issues
later on as I have odd issues I can't track down xchat and java (see the
ports list for the xchat segfault w/ libc) .. Java simply dies with no
error or segfault I can see (and I have no idea how to debug java itself).


Help on the above issues would be appreciated.  I can provide more info
as needed or troubleshoot further if you provide me exactly what you
want me to do.


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