Quoting "Chris H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Quoting Daniel Eischen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Chris H. wrote:

Quoting Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:33:49AM -0800, Chris H. wrote:
After a failed install of www/apache-ssl - dies with the
following error:
Syntax error on line 208 of /usr/local/etc/apache/httpsd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/libexec/apache/mod_mmap_static.so into server:
/libexec/apache/mod_mmap_static.so: Undefined symbol "ap_null_cleanup"

I did a little research, and wondered if the fact that I am
missing: /usr/bin/objformat has anything to do with it.

Very unlikely.

Are you using the binary package of www/apache-ssl, rather than building
the port from source?

Building from source that was cvsupped 2008-01-18

Have you at any time migrated from Apache 1.3.x

Nope. It's a brand new install.

Why don't you use a newer version of Apache, as opposed to

Because I have over 50 conf files carefully crafted from years
of refining. So I have no interest in starting over.

From your error messages, it seems obvious, though
you never state it, that you are using apache13.

Sorry, my bad. It's easy to overlook a detail sometimes, and given
that this thread was primarily a question of /usr/bin/objformat
didn't help me to think of asserting the apache version either. :)

So, for the record; it's a build from the source in www/apache13-ssl

Continued make deinstalls and tweaking and make && make installs
all still fail with the same errors. I have noticed a couple of
threads that relate to this. One indicates that copying
www/apache13/files/patch-ae to www/apache-ssl/files/patch-az worked.
Didn't work for me. Second one indicated that creating /usr/bin/objformat
with the contents of objformat being

echo elf

worked for them. I'm about to try that, since it isn't possible to
build from source a working version. I'll report back if it does.

Whoo Hoo! Yep! That did it.

In case you're wondering, objformat /is/ required - at leas for

So the trick is to create the following /usr/bin/objformat:

echo elf

Make sure to set perms to +r +x -w

Should I initiate a sendpr?

Thanks to all for your comments/suggestions/advice.

--Chris H

--Chris H

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