On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 09:43:15PM +0900, Tod McQuillin wrote:
>/home/lost+found# ls -lksh
>total 24432
>24432 -r--------  1 root  operator    40G Mar  5 20:12 #0000005
>It is 40G in size but only occupies 24432k on disk, so it is a sparse file. 

The file permissions and sparseness matches a snapshot.  If your FS
is 40GB then it is a snapshot.

>/home/lost+found# rm \#0000005
>override r--------  root/operator snapshot for #0000005? n

The file itself is not writable so rm prompts.  This is normal.

>Is there a magic "shapshot" flag on the file?  Have I somehow damaged my 
>ufs2+softupdates filesystem by losing its inode #5 containing snapshot 

No and no.  You can have multiple snapshots in a filesystem.

Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.

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