On Thu, 6 Mar 2008, Peter Jeremy wrote:

On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 09:43:15PM +0900, Tod McQuillin wrote:
/home/lost+found# ls -lksh
total 24432
24432 -r--------  1 root  operator    40G Mar  5 20:12 #0000005

It is 40G in size but only occupies 24432k on disk, so it is a sparse file.

The file permissions and sparseness matches a snapshot.  If your FS
is 40GB then it is a snapshot.

Thanks Peter.

So, it's a shapshot -- is it still usable?  Is it safe to delete it?

snapinfo doesn't know about it:

# snapinfo -v /home
/dev/ad4s2e mounted on /home
        no snapshots found

I'm not in the habit of making snapshots ... but it might have come from a dump -L.

Anyway, I think the conclusion is that it's a snapshot, of mysterious origin, and it's probably not useful.

Thanks again,
Tod MCQuillin

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