On Jun 5, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:
I agree that he has made those statements - and those statements may
even be true.  When asked to provide details of the bugs or references
to those problems, he has refused.  Random, unsubstantiated claims are
hardly evidence of anything.

I didn't refuse, I said it wasn't relevant. I also offered to provide the list and hardware and time resources for testing if any developer needed it after June 11 (ie when it was physically possible to do so) for anyone who wanted to chase the individual issues. But the individual issues aren't the problem. No single problem would usually warrant that kind of attention. It's the overall amount of issues that concerns me.

To summarise, so far the OP has made a series of unsubstantianted
claims about vaguely defined problems on vaguely defined hardware.
When asked for more details, he has refused.  Exactly what do you
expect the FreeBSD developers to do?

Perhaps answer the question which was asked, instead of trying to drag the conversation down into specific bug reports? No single specific bug report is relevant to the overall topic. Fixing a single bug won't improve the situation.

Anyway, I've said this a dozen times now so I won't be repeating it. You are welcome to continue ignoring it.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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