On Fri, 18 Jul 2008, Mark Andrews wrote:
 > To: Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > > query-source is only ever used by recursive or stub resolvers --
 > > instances of named that will go out and make queries on the net on your=20
 > > behalf.  Authoritative servers really don't need it.
 >      Actually authoritative servers make queries to work out
 >      where to send notify messages.  While sending a notify to
 >      the wrong place is not that bad.  It is good practice to
 >      see that authoritative servers are also fixed now rather
 >      than later.  Servers have a habit of changing roles and
 >      when that happens not everyone will looks in options to see
 >      if query source is correct.
 >      Also at some point I'd like to be able to get rid of masters
 >      clauses or at least go from IP addresses to hostnames.  The
 >      slave / stub zones would then have to go out and discover
 >      the ip address on the fly.

Re the latter point, I can see the advantage of being able to move a
primary server to a new IP address without needing slave/s to update
their config.  On the other hand I can see possible chicken/egg issues
in some instances, for example testing axfrs before a new domain comes
online, or a domain disappearing even temporarily ([re-]registration
problems, politics or other upstream failures) where specifying masters
by IP address keeps things rolling.

At least consider keeping config-time hostname resolution of masters
optional?  And I guess the same principles apply to allow-transfer,
forwarders and other address lists?

cheers, Ian

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