Neil Neely написав(ла):
I haven't explored this issue enough to speak with any authority - but once upon a time I had an app doing tons of ipfw rule add/removes all the time and we had no end of performance and stability problems on that box (this would have been in 4.x or so timeline I expect). As that approach wasn't really critical we abandoned it without really digging into the details.

Years later a need for lots of rapid firewall changes came up again and I drilled into it and found the use of tables was excellent for doing this and it does the job very well. This is approach is on a FreeBSD 6.3 box.

ipfw add 00550 deny ip from 'table(1)' to any

Then just add remove entries to table 1 via:
ipfw table 1 add
ipfw table 1 delete

show all entries in table 1 with:
ipfw table 1 list

Clear out the whole of table 1
ipfw table 1 flush

I can't be sure if this relates to your particular issue, but I would recommend trying it out.
Thanks! I was not even aware of this functionality... Yes, I'll try that -- maybe, a bug in ipfw only hits once per 1000 invocations :-)


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