On Wed, 17 Sep 2008, Jo Rhett wrote:

Please stop avoiding even considering what people are offering to you.

So far, this conversation has largely consisted of you telling us that you don't like what we're doing and demanding that we change. Let's consider three more productive avenues by which you can offer assistance with the problem of how to increase branch support lifetimes:

(1) Become a contributor to the community by developing and maintaining
    patches against unsupported branches, especially against older releases
    such as 4.x and 5.x where the branches are open for commits but have
    fallen out of support status.  I can't promise the results will
    immediately fall into the official project "umbrella", but consider Colin
    Percival's freebsd-update as an example of what can be accomplished by
    someone outside the project when they find a niche.  What started out as
    an external software project (freebsd-update) is now a core system update
    tool, and Colin has gone from being a random guy with some code to our
    security officer.

(2) Become a contributor to the community by identifying members of the
    existing developer team for whom additional funding would enable them to
    spend more time working on and supporting FreeBSD and providing that
    funding.  Consider approaching the FreeBSD Foundation formally to seek
    matching grant funding for the project.

(3) Become a contributor to the community by working with an existing or new
    company that provides support for FreeBSD commercially, and discussing
    with them ways that they could provide support for branches past their
    official EoL date for the project.  Companies like FreeBSD Mall have
    strong relationships with the project, and in the past have contributed
    significantly to efforts such as release engineering.  It's not hard to
    imagine a company along those lines using something along th elines of a
    support subscription to fund community-centered support for branches.  And
    those companies may be able to help you identify developers who can do the
    work, as well as play an active role in seeking further customers with
    similar interests.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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