on 25/01/2013 16:10 David Chisnall said the following:
> On 25 Jan 2013, at 14:03, Andriy Gapon wrote:
>> on 25/01/2013 15:21 David Chisnall said the following:
>>> This is something that has been said on mailing lists, at BSDCan and at 
>>> DevSummits in the past, without any objections being raised.
>> A simple test - has there been a core decision that no GPL software must be 
>> shipped with 10.x?
> There can be no such decision until it's all of the bits of GPL'd code in base
> have replacements in and testing has happened.

I disagree.  Core can make a decision to set a goal.

> That is why it is a plan, not
> an accomplished goal.

Right.  The question is - is this a plan set by Core, and so a Project's Plan, 
is this a plan that individual project members have set for themselves?
As long as there are no conflicts in plans or objections to the plan the
distinction is insignificant, but not longer.

> This is why we have the wiki page tracking the progress
> of replacements:
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/GPLinBase


Andriy Gapon
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