On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, Dimitry Andric wrote:
>> I got a user report, and could reproduce this, that building
>> GCC (lang/gcc, but also current HEAD, so probably pretty much
>> any version) with FreeBSD 11 and LANG = en_US.UTF-8 we get
>> conflicting entires in $BUILDDIR/gcc/options.h such as
>>  OPT_d = 135,                               /* -d */
>>  OPT_D = 136,                               /* -D */
>>  OPT_d = 137,                               /* -d */
>>  OPT_D = 138,                               /* -D */
>>  OPT_d = 141,                               /* -d */
>>  OPT_D = 142,                               /* -D */
>>  OPT_d = 143,                               /* -d */
>> Using LANG = en_US (without UTF-8), everything works fine.
> It is definitely something caused by our awk in base, in any case.

Thanks for the fine debugging, Dimitry...

And Jung-uk Kim wrote:
> This behaviour is known for very long time:
> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/173731
> and it is not our fault:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/POSIX-String-Comparison.html

...and for this background, Jung-uk!

To close this thread, this is now properly addressed upstream by
always forcing C locale when running this AWK script (after we did
some temporary hack to the same effect in our ports).


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