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Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 23:43:56 +0700
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>> Sorry, why when FreeBSD lack support of some hardware, it inevitably
>> marks as "MS only"? USB is our future. It will be, independent of our

>Broken hardware (be it made by MS or somebody else) is broken if it
>does not follow the standards (usb in this case).
>FWIW, FreeBSD have support for most standards-compliant usb mice and
>keyboards, and combinations.
>Broken hardware needs wokarounds (in any operating system). Workarounds
>needs to be written and tested.

Sorry, Torfinn, I haven't seen any working Genius or 
Microsoft USB combo device. That's mean, that any Genius 
devices does not follw standard? ANY Microsoft device does 
not follow standard? Please name me any combo device, made 
by Genius or Logitech or Microsoft, which works under 
6.x-STABLE. Also, what is a "standard" for USB 
keyboards/mices? Is it an order, which device follwed to 
send data or data packet format or something else?

>To get more hardware supported, FreeBSD needs more developers.

Yes, of course. But they think as usual to improve FreeBSD 
as server. This day USB subsystem does not required for 
servers completely - ukbd works, any other does not need 
for server (when have forget about need to re-plug 
keyboard each reboot, he-he. Imagine - a servers rack, 
filled by boxes under FreeBSD. After power failure or 
testing or something else, admin moves along this rack and 
consequenlty re-plug servers :ROFL:) But what about 
workstation? USB subsystem is very important here.

>It is not perfect if thats what you mean. Most people who like to stay
>with FreeBSD find it possible to adjust their work methods to cope with
>the situation when dealing with usb devices.

And that is a way, why Windows is leading on desktops :-< 
It is bad, inaccurate, terrible and so on... but when I 
insert USB flash, I know exactly - box do not hangup, do 
not deadlock, do not restart suddenly. Hardware MUST works 
as expected and does not annoy user to "adjust their work 
methods". I do not speaking about syncing with mobile 
phones at all - I cannot detect it even in "filetransfer 

>And yet you are complaining that somebody else are doing free work for
>you to fix _your_ problem?
>That seems a bit unfair to me.

I'll do my job and haven't so much time to dig usb 
subsystem code. Also I work to  popularization some 
FreeBSD software, tunuing or working methods by writing 
articles in Russian magazine "System Administrator". Visit, when you can read Russian. 
I'm awaiting 7.1. When usb support under this version will 
similar terrible, I think, I have to bring my devices to 
work by myself. As usual. Will do something good - do it 
by yourself...
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