Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
On Monday 21 September 2009 03:44:25 Pierre-Luc Drouin wrote:

I am also having troubles with the uftdi driver on 8.0-BETA4.
I am trying to use a fan controller (mCubed bigNG) that uses a FT232BL chip
and it does not seem to be responding on FreeBSD 8.0 while the same code
works perfectly on Linux (I have not tried the code on RELENG_7 yet but I
could install it if necessary).

Here is the very simple code I am using for testing:
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main();

#define DEV "/dev/ttyU0"

#define TBAN_SER_SOURCE1        0x05 /* Primary source */
#define TBAN_SER_SOURCE2        0x06 /* Alternative source (miniNG...) */

#define TBAN_SER_REQUEST        0x36

int main()
  int fd;
  int result;
  struct termios oldtio, newtio;
  unsigned char buf[285];

  printf("Opening device\n");
  fd=open(DEV, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);

  if(fd<0) {
    return 1;

  if(result<0) {
    return 1;

  memcpy(&newtio,&oldtio,sizeof(struct termios));
  newtio.c_cflag = B19200

    | CS8
    | CREAD;

  newtio.c_iflag     = IGNPAR;
  newtio.c_oflag     = 0;
  newtio.c_lflag     = 0;
  newtio.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1;
  newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;

  result=tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
  if(result<0) {
    return 1;

  if(result<0) {
    return 1;


  printf("Performing initial query\n");

  printf("Requesting status\n");
  if(result<0) {
    return 1;


  printf("Reading status\n");
  if(result<0) {
    return 1;

  if(result<0) {
    return 1;

  if(result<0) {
    return 1;
  return 0;

It hangs while reading independently of the number of bits I am reading.

Here is the output from dmesg when I load the uftdi module:
Sep 20 21:31:31 ldaemon kernel: uftdi0: <USB - Serial> on usbus6
Sep 20 21:31:31 ldaemon kernel: ucom_attach_tty:317: tp =
0xffffff001f12b400, unit = 0 Sep 20 21:31:31 ldaemon kernel:
ucom_attach_tty:346: ttycreate: U0 Sep 20 21:31:34 ldaemon root: Unknown
USB device: vendor 0x051d product 0x0002 bus uhub0

Here is the output in /var/log/messages when I enable the debug output for
ucom and uftdi: Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_open:554: tp =
0xffffff001f12b400 Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_dtr:827: onoff = 1
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_line_state:799: on=0x01, off=0x00
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_rts:838: onoff = 1
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_line_state:799: on=0x02, off=0x00
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_break:816: onoff = 0
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_line_state:799: on=0x00, off=0x04
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_status_change:901:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_param:950: sc = 0xffffff001f12ac58
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_pre_param:653:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_dtr:827: onoff = 1
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_line_state:799: on=0x01, off=0x00
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_rts:838: onoff = 1
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_line_state:799: on=0x02, off=0x00
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_cfg_open:520:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_cfg_open:354:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_read_callback:459: status change
msr=0xf0 (0x00) lsr=0x60 (0x00) Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_cfg_get_status:705: msr=0xf0 lsr=0x60
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_cfg_status_change:887: DCD changed to
1 Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_cfg_param:672:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_ioctl:653: cmd = 0x402c7413
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_ioctl:653: cmd = 0x80047410
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_ioctl:653: cmd = 0x802c7414
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_param:950: sc = 0xffffff001f12ac58
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_pre_param:653:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_cfg_get_status:705: msr=0xf0 lsr=0x60
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: uftdi_cfg_param:672:
Sep 20 21:33:30 ldaemon kernel: ucom_get_data:1064: cnt=0
Sep 20 21:33:31 ldaemon kernel: ucom_ioctl:653: cmd = 0x80047410
Sep 20 21:33:32 ldaemon kernel: ucom_outwakeup:1009: sc =
0xffffff001f12ac58 Sep 20 21:33:32 ldaemon kernel: ucom_get_data:1064:
Sep 20 21:33:32 ldaemon kernel: ucom_get_data:1064: cnt=0

I really need to get this working so I am ready to test things as much as I


You need to set raw mode for the TTY device I think. Maybe Ed can give you the function name you need to call to do that?

Do I need to do something like that?
ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCGETP, &tty_org);
tty = tty_org;

/* set terminal to raw mode ... */
tty.sg_flags |= CRMOD;
tty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
tty.sg_flags &= ~XTABS;
tty.sg_flags |= RAW;

Pierre-Luc Drouin
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